Be Our Surrogate.

Hi, we’re Jory and Trevor! Thank you for supporting us in our family building journey. 

Creating this site is a huge act of vulnerability for both of us. We are both private people, but we’ve realized it is going to take a village for us to have a child. If sharing our story helps make our journey possible and brings us closer to the day when our family is complete, it’s worth it. We’re putting our hearts out there, sharing some of our most vulnerable moments, and inviting the public - and ultimately one amazing individual -  into the very intimate act of helping us bring a child to life. 

The purpose of the site is to share our story to help us find a surrogate

- a gestational carrier (GC) - who will help us bring a child into this world. After a missed miscarriage and D&C, Jory developed a rare condition known as Asherman’s Syndrome, or the complete obliteration (yes, that’s the actual medical term!) of her uterus by scar tissue. After half a dozen surgeries to cut through scar tissue and attempt to reestablish a uterine cavity and a handful of additional miscarriages and failed IVF transfers (we moved onto IVF after our third miscarriage so we could genetically test embryos to rule out aneuploidy as a cause for miscarriage), our doctor has recommended we move onto surrogacy as our best chance for a live birth.

With 3 genetically tested embryos ready to go and just waiting for a healthy uterus, we’re looking for that amazing person who will help us make our dream of having a family a reality.  

Are you that person?

Complete the Contact Us form to be in touch!

Do you want to help us find a surrogate or know someone who may be interested? 

Share this site through social media, facebook, or email! 

Interested in learning more? Click through the site to learn more about us and more about surrogacy!